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Rival clashes between Mushalashi Street (Orile Iganmu) Vs Makanjuola (Ijora Badia)

Since 3months ago There was a Rival clashes between Mushalashi Street (Orile Iganmu) Vs Makanjuola Street know as Akamaye (Ijora Badia) And the Clashes is Still going on till now

Rival clashes between Mushalashi Street (Orile Iganmu) Vs Makanjuola (Ijora Badia)
According To what happened they Mushalashi Girls are walking at night @8pm and Akamaye boyz attacked them and Rape one of them, which this Action trigger The Anger of Mushalashi boyz. On Saturday 23rd February A clash Came on again after the General election, this clash claim four Lives many Were in injured and Many houses and Cars are destroyed . Now Mushalashi Girls and Boys are afraid To go Akamaye now , Neither Akamaye also . Mushalashi are Even stopping the Tricycle going To Ijora Badia round about new Road And asking Them which Street are they from, If they found out They are from Akamaye they will kill It Injured The someone.

Rival clashes between Mushalashi Street (Orile Iganmu) Vs Makanjuola (Ijora Badia)

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